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A trip to a vineyard or even wineries is always an exciting experience. However, if you want to make sure the trip goes smoothly and lives up to your expectations, you need to plan the trip properly beforehand, from the restaurant bookings to the stretch limousine.

Here’s a short guide on how to enjoy the perfect day at wineries or vineyards or anywhere else you might decide to go. The good part is that you can leave the limo bus or other transportation arrangements up to Fortune Transportation Group while you focus on enjoying your trip.

Stay at the Inn

While you can go and come back the same day when planning a trip to the vineyard if you really want to take your trip to the next level, consider staying at an inn. You could book a room at a nearby inn or even opt for a bed and breakfast.

These places usually have some of the best views of the entire vineyard, and it gives you the chance to relax and enjoy some pampering after a long day of exploring the sights. Once you’re all rested, you can have your mini coach bus take you back home comfortably.

Do a Tour of the Vineyard

When going to a vineyard or winery, a tour of the place is an absolute must. You can schedule a private tour ahead of time or join one of the many tour groups starting periodically. These tours help you get a real feel of the place as you visit the grounds with rows upon rows of vines.

You can learn about the entire process of how the wine is made and processed. You can even ask for a tour of the barrel room for a taste of fresh wine or visit the breweries.

If you’re not in the mood for a lot of walking, you can even get your own mini coach bus with professional drivers and go on a driving tour of the vineyard grounds.

Attend a Winemaker Dinner

Who wouldn’t love to be a wine taster and connoisseur? Well, you can pretend to be one for a day on your trip to a vineyard. Attend a winemaker dinner where you are served delicious food with the best wine pairings for you to enjoy.

Sip on different wines while you talk to other wine enthusiasts and appreciate the process of how it is created. You can even visit the nearby restaurants and bars for a taste of the local food and a wider collection of drinks.

Wrapping Up

Forget the same old museums, parks, and clubs, and opt for a day out at a vineyard instead. If planned properly, it can be loads of fun with lots of adventure and lots of wine.

And if you start feeling a little tired or even tipsy, you can rely on our stretch limousines with professional drivers to provide you with safe rides during the entire trip. Get in touch with Fortune Transportation Group today to book your limo.

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